
Soul Food~Virtual Palm Sunday

St. Peter's Episcopal Church 4 Ocean Street, Beverly, MA, United States

As we continue to find ways to be the Church in these extraordinary times, we would like to update you on the way we will go forward on Palm Sunday, through Holy Week and on Easter Sunday. We are presented with many challenges, the first and foremost is to care for each other and our...

St. Peter’s Annual Yard Sale

St. Peter's Episcopal Church 4 Ocean Street, Beverly, MA, United States

St. Peter's Church welcomes the community to its yard sale at 4 Ocean Street (corner of Ocean and Hale), a short walk from Beverly Arts Fest. We're offering books, jewelry (each piece for 25 cents), kitchenwares, housewares, tools, toys, games and puzzles. Fund raiser for the church's community programs such as the Friday and Sunday...
