Small Business Resources

How We Can Help You

We are here to support businesses and commercial property owners who are located in the designated downtown district.

Letters of Support: If you have a project coming up for review with any of the city boards or commissions, we’re happy to meet with you to review the plans and the design. If they are aligned with our priorities, we’ll write a letter of support on your behalf to any of the approving authorities.

Making Connections: We can help you make connections with anyone at City Hall and with our network of downtown service providers: sign designers, attorneys, architects, leasing agents, property owners, appraisers, etc. In addition, we have highly knowledgeable and motivated committees who can help equip you with the tools you need for a successful experience in downtown Beverly. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for info on our monthly business meetups.

Our E-Newsletter and Social Media: We have 6k+ subscribers to our monthly e-newsletter, nearly 9k followers on Facebook, and over 4k followers on Instagram. We’re happy to share your news, highlight any special programs you offer, and do what we can to promote your business. Sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of the page, then like our page and we’ll like yours! If you want us to share one of your posts or events, email a short blurb to us at and we’ll try and get it posted.

Monthly Business Meetups: Each month we organize an hour-long networking session for small business owners, managers, and those representing local businesses. These meetups happen at various downtown venues and rotate between mornings and evenings. Our next meetup is on Wednesday, 2/26 from 9:30-11am at the Golden Hanger (231 Cabot St). Interested in hosting a future business meetup? Contact us at!

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aerial view of beverly

Opening a Business Downtown

Thinking of opening a business in downtown Beverly? We can help guide you through the process, share information about the current business environment, and offer assistance with grant applications. Send us an email at to learn more about the resources available to you.

Listings Coming Soon

clay dreaming front of shop
coffee shop sign